Sunday, November 13, 2011

John's 100 mile quest a success!

My friend, John Vaupel officially completed his first 100 mile race yesterday!  I went out to cheer him on and couldn't believe the atmosphere at the race.  You must understand the only races I've ever done are marathons and shorter.  This 100 mile crowd is a whole different animal...they have so much more stuff they need it's amazing.  I was with John's wonderful wife, Laura and their darling kids Sam and Grace.  This was their 3rd trip out to see him so they knew what to expect unlike myself.  Once John came around the corner, he was all smiles - see the photos I've attached - and seemed really happy to see us.  Keep in mind this is after he completed 45 miles so to say I was impressed is an understatement.  His wife turned immediately into "pit crew" mode and began to get him whatever he needed.  He gobbled up half a sandwich, grabbed some sports drink, Ibuprofin, Sudafed, gum, and his head lamp because the next time he came around it would be dark then he was off.  I have to say watching him take off was heartbreakingly difficult.  I can only imagine how Laura felt.  To think of how much further he had to go and the punishment he was about to take was unfathomable.  I remembered preparing to take on our first marathon nearly 4 years ago and to see how far he's come (pun intended) was such an inspiration.  He completed his race in 23:46 with his goal being under 24 hours!  I am beyond proud of him.  Please read his blog as it really puts you in the mindset of what he and his family had to sacrifice to run this great distance.  Until next time, stay happy, healthy, safe and running.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall racing!

Hello moms! 
I ran my first race in months last Sunday and had a BLAST!  A buddy and I did the Phoenix 10K doubleheader which is a 5K timed race followed by a timed 10K.  The weather was spectacular, the planets aligned and I PR'd by over a minute in the 5K!  I was 5th in my age division, but was happy nonetheless.  The 10K went well too even though I didn't PR I felt strong and quick which is a welcome change from my summer blues.  I'm still on the fence about my next marathon.  With Tina doing Carlsbad, I was contemplating running the Lost Dutchman full on Feb. 19th but my other running buddy told me he knows a fast, flat marathon the same day.  I've officially started a training program (I'm a huge believer in the FIRST program where you get in 3 quality runs a week and crosstrain 2 other days) but haven't signed up for either marathon.  I'm trying something new where I'm going to train and sign up at the last minute.  You can't do that for the larger marathons, but these small ones you can so I'm going to see if that clears my head.  I tend to sign up, get stressed out and train too hard.  I'm hoping by delaying signing up and just taking the training one week at a time I won't put too much pressure on myself. 
On another note, in regards to my previous post about my friend John Vaupel, he will be doing the "Javelina Jundred" tomorrow!  I bumped into him at the gym yesterday and we had a good talk.  He seems ready and his biggest fear is not going out too fast.  I reminded him of the Tortoise and the Hare - slow and steady wins the race!  Especially when you are running 100 miles...I can't even wrap my brain around it.  He is such an inspiration.  I can't wait to let you all know how he pulls through!  He's promised to help me figure out my nutrition (my biggest marathon obstacle) for my next race and if there's anyone who knows his stuff it's John.  Until next time, take care, stay safe, be healthy and keep running!