Saturday, July 21, 2012
Slowly but surely
I'm happy to report that after 5 weeks of Physical Therapy, I finally was able to run 4 miles yesterday PAIN FREE! As you running mom's know, being sidelined by an injury (or anything else) can make us VERY grumpy so my family is also thrilled I am slowly making my way back. In an ambitious move, I've registered for the upcoming Irongirl race here in AZ. It's in my hometown this year, which it has never been before, so I felt it was a sign and I needed to do it. There is a 5K and a 10 miler so I went for the 10 miler. The Irongirl holds a special place in my heart since it was my very first race of any distance. I ran the 5K in December, 2004 and got hooked on racing immediately. I'm sure you other mom's have the same experience in one way or another. Something or someone got us hooked on running. No matter what or who it was, we can thank goodness we ever started because we can't imagine our lives without it. Someone was interviewing a celebrity on TV recently who was a runner. When the interviewer asked this person why they ran, they responded "I run for sanity, not for vanity." I couldn't agree more. While I was disappointed I put on 5 lbs. during my hiatus, I can honestly say I missed the therapeutic aspect of running more than what it does for my physique. All in all, it's been a slow recovery and I'm still making my way back but my sanity was at stake more than my vanity. How do you recover from a running hiatus (whether from injury or something else)? How do you maintain your sanity? I went to spin, worked out on the elliptical machines, practiced yoga and Pilates, but those didn't come close to what running gives me. Simply put, I missed running and am glad I'm back.
Friday, June 15, 2012
The results are in!
I received the results of my MRI yesterday and the news is good. No stress fracture, no real damage. The pain is from my IT band and I will need some physical therapy along with Ibuprofen - and more rest. The last part was probably the hardest for me to hear. I told the doctor I have been resting for months now (and have the 4 extra pounds to prove it!) but he said until I am PAIN FREE I must not run. Being the neurotic person and running mom I am, I had to test it out today knowing I didn't have any major injuries gave me some courage. I ran a little under two miles and now I'm hobbling around like an idiot. Okay Doc, you win. Next step, physical therapy! I should only have to do it for 4 weeks so I'll let you all know how it works. Until then, PLEASE stay healthy and injury-free. Sitting on the sidelines while hearing stories about my friends running is a real bummer...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I read my previous post and realized how ridiculous this "recovery" or NON-recovery has been. To give you an update, the hip is no better, it's worse actually. I actually attempted a little run a couple weeks ago which lasted 5 whole minutes and ended with me hobbling home. Needless to say, the new orthotics and shoes have not done the trick. I'll be the first to admit, I barely iced this injury and only took a few Advil. When they didn't provide any relief whatsoever, I decided it was time to buck up and see a specialist. My breaking point was last weekend when my husband and I took a trip with friends to Napa and I couldn't run AT ALL. Normally, my suitcase ALWAYS has my running gear packed when I take a trip so it broke my heart not to run, especially since the weather was spectacular there. Every morning, we would go down to the hotel for breakfast and would see our friends coming in from a brisk run. It was too much for me to bear, and I ended up taking my breakfast in my room. I saw a specialist last week and had an MRI yesterday. I will keep you posted on my progress. Say a prayer that it's nothing serious and an easy fix!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Still injured and it's getting old
I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post. Most of you know I work two part time jobs and do volunteer work so to say I'm busy is an understatement. Unfortunately, I haven't posted also because I haven't been doing much running. That marathon in February really hurt my body. I'm actually amazed at how badly my Achilles has been. I've taken about a month off running entirely. I've replaced it with swimming, spin and the elliptical. I've also been doing some stretches and icing when it gets really sore. I'm only doing about 3 miles at a time right now. My husband and I did the Pat Tillman race a couple weeks ago which is only 4.2 miles and I finished in 36:25 which is no PR for that race (this was my 4th time running it) but it wasn't my worst time either. Considering I've been hurt it wasn't bad! Now my right hip is bothering me. I think it's because I've put a heel lift in my right shoe to compensate for the Achilles strain. I can't seem to catch a break! Next stop is new orthotics. They are expensive and mine are old so I'm hoping this does the trick. I'll keep you all updated as to my progress. In the meantime, enjoy the beautiful weather and keep running for me since I cant.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Still recovering...
Did my last post really say "recovery is bliss"? It's actually really slow and pathetic! Now that I'm nearly 5 weeks into my recovery (can you still call it recovery after 5 weeks?) I can honestly say I haven't been able to go more than 6 miles comfortably. I am nursing my Achilles in my right foot and the pain kicks in around 4 miles. Actually, it's immediately after I start running, but becomes bad enough to alter my stride and pace around 4 miles. I know, I know, I need to rest and properly recover so that's what I have decided to do. My husband and I have signed up for a local race next month to honor Pat Tillman which is only 4.2 miles (his number when he played football was 42, hence the unique distance) so I'm trying to run just enough to get through that race. After that, who knows? I'm hoping to get back to my 10 mile runs on the weekend soon because I sure miss running with Tina. She is training for the PF Chang Rock n' Roll Marathon in San Diego June 3rd so the last thing she needs is me slowing her down since she is trying to smash her qualifying time for Boston so she doesn't miss out by mere seconds like last time. In the meantime, stay healthy, stay strong, stay sane you Running Moms!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Recovery is bliss
It's been two weeks since completing the IMS Arizona Marathon and I'm feeling good. The first two days after the race were agony. I have to say I have NEVER been that sore after a marathon. I guess it's the fact I shaved 15 minutes off my previous PR so my feet and quads were feeling it! I'm following a 6 week recovery program where I run only about 30-40 minutes at a time and cross train with spin or swimming. I've been doing some Pilates and yoga as well and honestly feel like I'm 100% recovered. I am on the fence about my next race since I'm currently juggling two part-time jobs and can hardly find time to train. I'm still managing my 3 runs per week, but the spin and swimming is sporadic to say the least. It's really nice to be in recovery mode instead of training mode though! Not having to log those long miles is quite nice. I think I may stick with half marathons for a little while though. I'm tired of the black toenails and grueling training schedule. The half is a perfect distance for me. It's just challenging enough without all the intense training and they are actually FUN! Attached is a photo of my friend, Chris and I after the marathon. What fun is a marathon if you don't have the hardware to show off right?!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Mission accomplished!
I ran the Arizona Marathon today AKA the IMS Marathon in Glendale. My goal was to beat 4:30 and my time was 4:29:14. I barely beat it, but I had a PR by 15 minutes so I was thrilled! I followed Mike, the wonderful 4:30 pacer who was supportive without being obnoxious and made me feel like he really wanted me to achieve my goal. THANK YOU, MIKE! My other friend, Chris ran it as well in 3:40 which is AMAZING to say the least. The weather was perfect and there were just under 300 racers so it was nice and small. I'm sitting here typing with minimal soreness and haven't had to take my usual post-marathon nap believe it or not. If anything, I'm oddly energized. I've done 2 loads of laundry, painted my toenails, and even managed to do some work (I do part time bookkeeping on the side). Oh yeah, did I mention my husband and I also filed our taxes? Jeez, typing this really makes me realize I'm going to crash and burn soon so I'm going to sign off. I'm going to sleep with a HUGE smile on my face tonight!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
2 weeks and counting...
I completed my 2nd 20 miler last Saturday with my friend Chris and boy, I am welcoming the taper. It was a little rough at the end and I have to admit it kind of dented my confidence. How I'm going to get through another marathon and set a PR? I know I can break 4:30, I just have to believe in myself on race day. My BRB, Tina ran Carlsbad two weeks ago and set a PR! She did it in 3:40:44 which is AMAZING considering how hilly that course is. I am so impressed with that girl. She is truly an inspiration. She works nearly 40 hours a week, has two young girls and still manages to get in every training run, every week. I've just recently started a part time job working 20 hours a week and can barely manage 3 runs a week. Us moms are truly amazing when we set our minds on something ~ we won't let anything get in our way. Laundry gets done at 9:00 pm and we have to get up at 5:00 am to get a run in, but we manage to get everything done. Never underestimate the power of a mom with an unstoppable attitude!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Peak marathon training
I'm now at the peak of my marathon training, completing my first 20 miler yesterday. Thankfully, I didn't have to go it alone. My friend, Chris (who is doing the IMS Marathon with me in 5 weeks) joined me. He wasn't sure he could go the distance since he has been sick and not running too much, but he did great. Tina (my BRB - best running buddy) is doing Carlsbad marathon next Sunday so she is tapering and couldn't join us. She was missed! I ran the 20 miles at exactly my race pace - even running the last 3 miles in a strong headwind - so I was relieved to get through it. When I got home I took 2 Advil and rested a bit. Today I feel fine - no soreness at all! My friend, John (of Javelina Jundred fame) has been giving me some wonderful advice on hydration/nutrition. He turned me on to Succeed SCaps! which are a little capsule you swallow whole with water every time you take a GU. It's to replace electrolytes and works wonders! Chris took some yesterday for the first time and said he felt great. Now that I seem to have my system down, I just have to stay strong and injury-free the next 5 weeks till marathon day. Wish me luck!
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